Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wordless Wednesday


molly said...

Brilliant! makes me want to sign up for classes with Stomper.....I kept waiting though for him to fall through the squeak in the floor!

Birdydownunder said...

brilliant...have you found a new passion....

Aunty Evil said...

And there, you see people, the original idea of Tap Dogs. (a bunch of very talented guys who use garbage cans, and everyday items to enhance their performance).

Anonymous said...

hey that is how I start my mornings ... don't you???

Maddy said...

A lovely blast from the past.

Pam said...

That was lovely indeed. That's my kind of popular music. Who is this chap? Is he actually a Tap Dog or is he Gene Kelly or someone? I've spent too much of my life reading books, I think.